The New Zealand Coastal Society, being a Technical Interest Group of Engineering New Zealand, has the following categories of membership. The benefits and details of each membership category are provided as follows:
Student Member
Get a head-start while you're still studying! This category of membership is for any individual undergoing full-time study in an area or discipline that has relevance to the coastal environment. Student membership of the New Zealand Coastal Society is FREE! and is made to students to encourage participation in all areas of activity. The Society subsidises student membership as a means of furthering interest in the coast. It is hoped that student members will become individual members upon completion of their study and maintain an interest in the coast.
Cost: Nil (provided member is in full-time tertiary study)
Student Members will be required to provide their current study end date. They must also provide a copy of a valid Student ID or have a staff lecturer or tutor provide proof of full-time tertiary study to verify eligibility for membership.
When your studies have ended you will automatically be transferred to an Emerging Professional membership.
Note: Student Members do not have voting rights.
- Subscription to the weekly NZCS email digest, which regularly details coastal talks and other workshops, courses and conferences, job opportunities and resources.
- Electronic subscription to the Society's professional publication Coastal News published three times per year – March, June and November.
- Electronic subscription to the Coastal News Special Publication Issues published approximately every 2nd year.
- Special heavily discounted student registration fee on NZCS Annual Conference.
- Membership and attendance at Regional Branch Meetings, Workshops and Events.
- The chance to get your research published in, the Society's professional publication Coastal News,
- Participation in student and emerging professional events at annual NZCS conferences,
- Eligibility to apply for the NZCS research scholarships and travel awards. Visit the Awards Page for more information.
- Opportunity to attend, network and get your face known to potential employers at NZCS regional and national events,
- Explore career options by networking with professionals already working in your chosen field.
- Listing in the NZCS Student Member Directory.
Emerging Professional Member
Embark on your professional journey with us! This membership category is for individuals with less than five years of experience post completion of their undergraduate or postgraduate degree. It's designed to support your early career development in disciplines related to the coastal environment.
By becoming an Emerging Professional member, not only do you get access to all the comprehensive benefits of full membership, but you will also have the opportunity to engage with our NZCS emerging professional initiatives. We are currently getting our emerging professional programme off the ground (watch this space), but have plans for initiatives such as; mentoring and networking opportunities all tailored to benefit and support you as you start your career.
Cost: The Emerging Professional membership of the New Zealand Coastal Society has the following fee structure:
- 50% off your membership for the first three years ($52.50 +GST annually)
- Full price membership (but maintaining all the emerging professional benefits) for the final 2 years ($105 +GST annually).
Please note that the discounted membership rate is a special offer from the Society to encourage early career participation. We hope that Emerging Professional members will continue as individual members after enjoying the initial beneficial period, thereby maintaining and growing their interest in coastal environments.
When your Emerging Professional period has ended you will automatically be transferred to an Individual Full membership.
Note: Emerging Professional Members enjoy all benefits and rights of full membership, including voting rights.
- Opportunities to engage with Emerging Professional initiatives such as mentoring, networking with other emerging professionals as well as seniors in your chosen field.
- Subscription to the weekly NZCS email digest, which regularly details coastal talks and other workshops, courses and conferences, job opportunities, and resources.
- One copy of the Society's professional publication Coastal News published three times per year – March, June and November.
- One copy of the Coastal News Special Publication Issues published approximately every 2nd year.
- Invitation to attend the Eric Verstappen Young Professionals Breakfast as part of our annual conference (see more information here).
- Membership and attendance at Regional Branch Meetings, Workshops and Events.
- The chance to get your research published in, the Society's professional publication Coastal News.
- Eligibility to apply for the NZCS awards. Visit the Awards Page for more information.
- Listing in the NZCS Member Directory.
Community Affiliate
This category of membership is aimed at people in the community who would like to join our mailing list and keep in the loop with NZCS. For example, this may include kaiako (teachers), charities/ trusts, hapū/iwi/ Rūnanga or other Māori organisation, kaitiaki and other interested members of the community. You will receive our weekly email digest, and notification of our quarterly newsletters and bi-annual Special Publications. If you no longer want to receive our awesome communications, you can unsubscribe at the link in the emails.
[This option is not intended as a surrogate membership for NZCS members that affiliate to coastal-related entities. If you are a student, please join for free as a Student Member and if you are an employee/ business/ sole trader please join as a member].
Cost: Nil (We may request further information to confirm community status if required)
- Subscription to the weekly NZCS email digest, which regularly details coastal talks and other workshops, courses and conferences, job opportunities, resources etc,
- Electronic subscription to the Society's professional publication Coastal News published three times per year – March, June and November.
- Electronic copy of Coastal News Special Publication Issues published every 2nd year.
Individual Member
This category of membership is for individuals, who either work in coastal engineering and/or science, coastal planning or policy or just have an interest in issues related to the New Zealand coast.
Cost: $105 per annum +GST
- Subscription to the weekly NZCS email digest, which regularly details coastal talks and other workshops, courses and conferences, job opportunities, and resources.
- One copy of the Society's professional publication Coastal News published three times per year – March, June and November.
- One copy of the Coastal News Special Publication Issues published approximately every 2nd year.
- Special members-only discounted registration fee on NZCS Annual Conference.
- Full voting rights at NZCS Annual General Meeting or any Special General Meeting.
- Membership and attendance at Regional Branch Meetings, Workshops and Events.
- Network with fellow professionals.
- Leadership opportunities (regional and management committee).
- Ongoing personal and professional development.
- Eligibility to apply for the NZCS awards. Visit the Awards Page for more information.
- Listing in the NZCS Member Directory.
Corporate Member
This category of membership is to enable organisations and companies to become part of the New Zealand Coastal Society and support the Society's mission of taking a leading role in facilitating a vibrant, healthy and sustainable coastal and ocean environment. It enables organisations to show their support for the aims and activities of the society and achieve public recognition of that support.
Cost: $750 per annum +GST
- Subscription to the weekly NZCS email digest, which regularly details coastal talks and other workshops, courses and conferences, job opportunities, resources etc.
- Two individual memberships for nominated persons as the corporate contacts or any subsequent replacement alternate.
- Five copies of Coastal News published three times per year – March, June and November.
- Five copies of Coastal News Special Publication Issues published every 2nd year.
- High profile listing as a corporate member sponsor on the NZCS website and in the Corporate Member Directory.
- Website listing of services provided by corporate organisation, contact details, and links to recent projects or corporate organisation website.
- Opportunity to have a profile of their organisation featured in the NZCS publication, Coastal News.
- Full voting rights at NZCS Annual General Meeting or any Special General Meeting.
- Discounted registration at member rates for the corporate contact to all NZCS Conferences.
- Special Exhibition Rates – Corporate sponsors of the NZCS may receive discounts when exhibiting at the Society's Annual Conference and other NZCS sponsored events. These events allow corporate sponsors to network directly with coastal practitioners and decision makers.
- Transferable membership – the corporate contact can be changed at any time as circumstances change (eg. staff changes), through the Engineering New Zealand membership administrator.
Life Member
This category of membership is for individuals who have made an extraordinary contribution to the Society and/or knowledge and understanding in the coastal zone. Life Members are elected at the discretion of the Management Committee rather than through subscription. A person so elected has full membership rights of the Society but is not required to pay any membership subscription.
Cost: Nil
- Subscription to the weekly NZCS email digest, which regularly details coastal talks and other workshops, courses and conferences, job opportunities, resources etc.
- Complimentary registration to NZCS Annual Conference.
- One copy of the Society's professional publication Coastal News published three times per year – March, June and November.
- One copy of Coastal News Special Publication Issues published approximately every 2nd year.
- Full voting rights at NZCS Annual General Meeting or any Special General Meeting.
- Membership and attendance at Regional Branch Meetings, Workshops and Events.