

Marine Mitigation, offsetting & Compensation for waterborne infrastructure 2024

PIANC/NZCS webinar/regional event

Lessons to be Learnt 2024 - David Kriebel

Learning form the U.S. Experience with Floods & Flood Mitigation

Lessons to be Learnt 2022 - Dr Rob Bell

Taming and Developing the Coastal Margins of Aotearoa

Lightening Talks - New Zealand Coastal Society

Ryan Abrey: A choice swiss army knife; Steve Raynor: The golden ticket; Emily Tidey: Exploring with a hydrographer; Craig Davis: Coastal Engineering, an overview of an engineers career

Interviewing our NZCS Founding Members

Check out a message from our founding members!

Four challenges faced by coastal engineering

Dr Steven Hughes - May 2018

Coastal Hazards and Climate Change - preparing for change

Various speakers discussing coastal hazards and climate change

Understanding Community Participation in Marine Ecosystem Restoration initiatives

Presentation of findings from Kaituna diversion and wetland creation project

Tipping points by Conrad Pilditch

Tipping points in New Zealand coastal ecosystems

Mauri Moana, Mauri Tangata, Mauri Ora

Making room for enacting Maori values in the marine environment

How current legislative frameworks in New Zealand enable Ecosystem based management

By Lara Taylor and Tania Te Whenua - 15 Nov 2017

Kaikoura/Hurunui Earthquake: Environmental challenges and opportunities

Canterbury Earthquake challenges and opportunities of the coastal reinstatement programme

Participatory process for sustainable seas

How do New Zealand communities currently participate in marine resource management decision making?

Coast and Ports 2021 - Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha-Apai - Special Session

NZCS Webinar Series: March 25 2021

Part 1: Thames-Coromandel Shoreline Management Plans Part 2: St Clair – St Kilda coastal plan: the community engagement journey

NZCS Webinar Series: April 29, 2021

PART 1: Using satellite-derived optical properties to extract the true coastal water colour in Tauranga Harbour PART 2: Sediment-effects on seagrass Zostera muelleri in New Zealand

NZCS Webinar Series: September 20, 2020

Kaituna Re-diversion Project

NZCS Webinar Series: October 28, 2020

Part 1: Analysis of extreme storm-tide and skew-surge events around the coastline of New Zealand. Part 2: Aerial drones in coastal monitoring.