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Sarah Mcsweeney
Sarah Mcsweeney
Member since: 2021
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University of Canterbury
Bio: I am a coastal geomorphologist whose research interests lie at the interface of coastal physical processes, landform evolution, and management. My research aims to understand how interacting physical processes control the morphodynamics and evolution of coastal landforms, and how these processes and landforms are in turn impacted by human activities. Principle scientific questions that drive my research include: Where is sediment eroded, transported, and stored across the coastal zone? How will coastal landforms respond to changing boundary conditions over tidal to geological timescale? And how does geologic setting influence natural and human processes? To answer these questions, I use a combination of field, lab, and modelling methods to collect empirical data. I then use this data to predict past, present-day, and future behaviour with an emphasis on producing information that is useful for managers and policy makers. My research interests and expertise can be summarised by three semi-overlapping research topics: (1) estuary entrance processes (2) the evolution of estuaries and barrier systems, and (3) shoreline change in response to ocean wave processes. I am passionate about undertaking research that can contribute to improving our understanding how coastal processes may change in future (e.g. under climate change and sea level rise) and that is useful in practice for coastal communities and managers.