NZCS 2016 - Dunedin

16-18 November 2016

St Margaret's College, University of Otago, Dunedin

The 2016 Conference Committee would like to cordially invite you to attend the Coastal Society Annual Conference being held at St Margaret’s College, University of Otago, Dunedin over 16-18 November 2016.

The conference theme this year is: “He waka eke noa - Linking science, engineering, management and community”.  He waka eke noa, a Maori proverb, loosely translated means:  "A canoe in which we are all in with no exception"   or   "We are all in this boat together".  This theme reflects the wide range of disciplines and interests of society members and how issues are best addressed and managed when we communicate and combine our skill sets and resources.

It will be wonderful to return to Dunedin where, through presentations and field excursions we plan to take full advantage of its coastal highlights and heritage and of course the hospitality, to make the conference both a learning opportunity and a memorable event.

The conference will call for abstracts early in June.

We look forward to see you there!

On behalf of the NZCS Conference Organising Committee

Terry Hume - Conference Chair

NZCS 2016 Organising Committee

Terry Hume (Hume Consulting Ltd) (Convenor)

Doug Booth (University of Otago)

Jose Borerro (e-Coast)

Josie Crawshaw (University of Otago)

Hugh Leersnyder (Beca)

Rick Liefting (Waikato regional Council)

Mick Strack (University of Otago)

Eric Verstappen (Tasman District Council)