NZCS 2017 - Tauranga

New Zealand Coastal Society - Te Hunga Takutai o Aotearoa

NZCS Annual Conference 15-17 November 2017

Tauranga Moana

“Changing Coasts Papaki kau ana nga tai o Mauao”


The NZCS 2017 Conference is your annual opportunity to share knowledge across a range of coastal management topics and meet with peers from around NZ.  The 2017 Conference theme Changing Coasts is supported by a local saying Papaki kau ana nga tai o Mauao, meaning the waves beat continuously against the rocky cliffs of Mauao (Mount Maunganui).   This theme reflects the constant change of our coasts through coastal processes, biodiversity, climate, development and also geological processes as recently experienced in Kaikoura.

The Conference venue at Trinity Wharf connects you to the Tauranga Harbour and offers accommodation options close to the city’s waterfront.  Field trip options will focus on exploring the natural environment and coastal issues of one of NZ’s favourite beach towns - Mount Maunganui.

We encourage students to attend and share your latest research.  The NZCS 2017 Conference will host the popular student breakfast to provide a unique opportunity to chat openly with a group of coastal professionals.

Keep a look out here for registrations and call for abstracts links to be opened shortly. Refer to the Presentation topics below to get thinking about how sharing your work could benefit others:

  • Adaption to coastal change
  • Estuaries and harbours and their management
  • Balancing coastal pressures while protecting natural resources
  • Management across coastal and policy boundaries
  • Coastal hazards and risk
  • Communities and our coast.

mountain shot

Any queries please contact the NZCS Administrator -