Coastal News Issues 1993 - Present

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Coastal News Issues 1993 - Present

Below is a list of available past issues of the Coastal News

Issue 84 (August 2024)
Automated rip current detection and localisation
Coastal Restoration Trust video series
CoastSnap in Christchurch: Harnessing community science for coastal monitoring
Light pollution affects coastal ecosystems too – this underwater ‘canary’ is warning of the impacts
New coastal-related course introduced at Auckland University
NZCS Scholarship winners 2024
June high waves event in Hawke’s Bay
Coastal wetland blue carbon report published
News from the regions
News in brief

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Issue 83 (March 2024)
Coastal sediments and the darkness at noon
Raising buildings as an adaptation option – not straightforward?
Coastal Transformation Special Publication
Carparks to cockles – Plastic pathways in Te Taitokerau (Northland)
Australasian Mangrove and Saltmarsh Network Conference 2023
Proximity to tidal rivers: A primary feature in groundwater hydrograph classification
NZCS Wellington Conference wrap up – Who let the fog out?
NZCS 2023 Sustainability Award winner
New NZCS Portfolio: Te Komiti Māori
News from the regions
University News

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Issue 82 (November 2023)
Mangrove ecosystem engineers: How a mangrove forest influences intertidal flat; morphology – Insights from numerical modelling; E-SUDS – The next sedimentation super tool; Marine offsetting and compensation – review, findings and recommendations;
C-SIG Species Keys – Coastal Taxonomic Resource Tool; High-resolution satellites provide a glimpse into the erosional impacts of Cyclone Gabrielle; Canterbury wave monitoring network; University news; 4th Australasian Young Coastal Scientists & Engineers Conference; News from the regions; News you might have missed;

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Issue 81 (July) 2023
Cyclone Gabrielle, more to come?, NZCS Conference and Special Publication 6, Cyclong Gabrielle: Regional Reports: Northland, Auckland, Waikato, Bay of Plenty, Hawke's Bay, News you might have missed, NZCS 2023 Scholarship Winners, Impacts of a coastal State Highway on a recovering pinniped population, Novel numerical modelling of tsunamis from volcanic explosions, Recent regional events.

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Issue 80 (March) 2023
Offshore reef discovery on Pātea Bank; Sustainability in action: mangroves as eco-engineers; Investigating coastal archaeological vulnerability in Aotearoa New Zealand
Review: NZCS Annual Conference 2022; News from the regions; New regional representatives for Canterbury; Exploring New Zealand’s estuary health on-line; University and education news; Reducing the impact on Hawke’s Bay’s marine environment

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Issue 79 (November) 2022
Infrastructure in a coastal context: Interview with Geoff Cooper of Te Waihanga; Crowdsourcing tsunami observations in Aotearoa folloiwng the Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai eruption; Restoration of over-stabalised coastal foredunes using excavated foredune notches; NZCS 2022 Scholarship award winners; News you might have missed
News from the Regions; Fifth NZCS SPecial Publication published; Kupu takutai: Geographical coastal terms poster

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Issue 78 (July) 2022
Defining nature-based solutions for coastal climate change in Aotearoa New Zealand; Pauanui Coastal Restoration - an example of community-driven environmental outcomes; Fine sediments add to coastal squeeze for seagrass; Dr Andrew Laing - Obituary; News from the regions; NZCS Conference 2022

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Issue 77 (March) - 2022
The Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai volcano and tsunami; Coastal litter monitoring in Northland; Biodiversity offsetting and compensation in the marine environment: Further reflections from a regional council officer's perspective; Using data driven approaches to make short-term predictions of storm surge around New Zealand's coast; NZCS Student Awards; News from the regions; News you might have missed; NZCS Special Publication update

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Issue 76 (November) - 2021
Impacts of marine heatwaves: what are they, what have they done and what can we expect in the future?; Biodiversity offsetting and compensation in the marine environment; Advances in research and management of surfing resources; Scour and countermeasures at offshore foundations; NZCS 2020 Scholarship Award winners; News from the regions; NZCS News; Kupu Takutai: Coastal Terms

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Issue 75 (July) - 2021
Sounding Out the Shallows - Real time monitoring of NZ Estuaries; Season of the Storm Surge; Towards Sustainable Offshore Aquaculture; Life Members Recognised; Coastal Mapping Exposes Erosion Issue at Tiwai Point; May 2021 Coromandel Swell Event; News From the Regions; Experimental study of tsunami generated by short-lived underwater explosions and more...!

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Issue 74 (March) - 2021
Three tsunamis (and earthquakes) ... in one day; 80 years of shoreline change in Northland; Enhancing the resilience of coastal ecosystems to relative sea-level change; NZCS Webinar – Series 2.0; New NZCS Life Member Award recipient; NZCS Management Committee; Land-based aquaculture in southern New Zealand – the Ocean Beach vision; Modelling tsunami generation by volcanic eruptions; NZCS conference review 2020; Meet your new Regional Representatives; News you might have missed; News from the regions; NZCS Regional Representatives; About the authors; Corporate Members

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Issue 73 (November) - 2020
The Impacts of Coastal Erosion and Storms on the West Coast's Critically Endangered Lizards; NZCS Management Committee; The Lost Kelp Forest: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Understand Change of Macrocystis pyrifera Habitat in Otago, New Zealand; Central government news; Assessing the use of Satellite Derived Bathymetry to Simulate Storm Surge in New Zealand Estuaries; NZCS 2020 Award Winners; NZCS Regional Representatives; South Port Capital Dredging Campaign 2020; News From the Regions; NZCS monthly webinar series; University News; About the Authors; Corporate Members.

Issue 72 (July) - 2020
Legacies of the Kaikoura earthquake on the coastal marine ecosystem; Listening to the voices of our harbours: Kawhia, Manukau and Whangarei; Making an impact: Coastal cliff response to individual wave impacts; NZCS 2020 Conference goes regional; The Eric Verstappen Young Professionals Breakfast; Coastal landslides in Palu Bay during the 2018 Sulawesi earthquake and tsunami; NZCS Regional Representatives; A new tool for assessing the health of New Zealand's estuaries; News from the regions; News you might have missed; New NZCS special publication underway; NZCS Management Committee; Central government news; About the authors; NZCS monthly webinar series; Corporate Members.

Issue 71 (March) - 2020
Tsunami-detecting DART buoys deployed offshore of New Zealand; Ohinepouwera (Karitane Sand Spit) driftwood windbreak - Community led and sustainable coastal management; Morphology change at the Avon-Heathcote Estuary mouth: A 2019 update; Responsive, relevant, ready: PDA report from Mobile, Alabama; Review: NZCS Annual Conference 2019; Seaweek Ocean Champion 2020; NZCS Management Committee; News from the regions; University news; NZCS Regional Representatives; Eric Verstappen - Obituary; About the authors; Corporate Members.


Issue 70 (November) - 2019
What makes coastal ecosystems resilient to cumulative disturbance and tipping points; Contributing to Coastal News; Modelling coastal hazard exposure in Tauranga Harbour; Water quality sampling using drones; Singapore's Coastal resilience; NZCS Management Committee; University news; NZCS 2019 award winners; News from the regions; NZCS Regional Representatives; Central government News; About the authors; Corporate Members.

Issue 69 (July) - 2019
Pollution time bombs - Managing landfill at our dynamic shorelines; Storm surge around New Zealand: From hindcasts to future projections; Central government news; The March 2019 fanworm incursion into Gisborne Port; NZCS Regional Representatives; New report identifies research priorities for the future of marine science; Intelligence to solve New Zealand's litter problem; 2019 NZCS Annual Conference; NZCS Management Committee; News from the regions; About the authors; NZCS Media Catalogue; Contributing to Coastal News; Corporate Members.

Issue 68 (March) - 2019
Lyttelton Port channel dredging – a collaborative journey; Circumnavigating Aotearoa: James Cook’s charting of New Zealand; Coastal remote sensing; Advertising in Coastal News; Seafloor microbes drive ecosystem functions in the Firth of Thames; Review: NZCSAnnual Conference 2018; NZCS Conference - Best oral presentations; NZCS Regional Representatives; Eastland Port: Upgraded stormwater treatment (with a whiskey chaser); NZCS Management Committee; News from the regions; University News, Paul Baunton: A Coastal Hazard Pioneer; Corporate Members.


Issue 67 (November) - 2018
Innovative, underwater repair of the Auckland Ferry Terminal seawall; Managing our surf break resources; Sub-tidal marine geophysical survey for pipeline corridors, Lyttelton Harbour; NZCS Management Committee; New Zealand's coastal ocean acidification: Effects on ecosystem processes and tipping points; NZCS Regional Representatives; NZCS 2018 award winners; News from the regions; Contributing to Coastal News; University & education news; Central government news; Corporate Members

Issue 66 (August) - 2018
The hottest ever summer of storms; The summer of storms - a rare combination of coastal hazard drivers; Cyclone Fehi impacts on the South Island West Coast; January 2018 storm impacts on the Auckland coastline; Improving infrastructure resilience in the coastal zone: Fehi and Gita response reflections; Development of a simple tool for predicting extreme water levels in Tauranga Harbour; News from the regions; University update; NZCS Conference 2018.

Issue 65 (March) - 2018
Revitalising Tauranga’s marine industry; Contributing to Coastal News; NZCS Regional Representatives; Estuary management in New Zealand – insights from a study tour; UN Ocean Conference report; A surge of spurge? Assessing the invasive risk of Euphorbia paralias in NZ; 2017 NZCS Conference review; Chair’s message; NZCS Management Committee; News from the regions; Central government news; NZCS website updated; NZCS Sponsors


Issue 64 (November) - 2017
What lies beneath, Use of citizen science to assess the impact of forestry slash on beaches, Engaging high school students in coastal issues using citizen science, Ecosystem services based approach to coastal management in New Zealand

Issue 63 (July) - 2017
Revamping Tauranga’s waterfront, World’s southernmost wave buoy measures huge wave, NZCS Award winner at the Delft IHE, NZCS Conference: Review and preview, University updates. News in brief, Chair’s message, NZCS Management Committee, News from the regions, NZCS Regional Representatives, Kaikoura earthquake subject of upcoming NZCS special publication


Issue 62 (August) - 2016

Issue 61 (April) - 2016


Issue 60 (November) - 2015

Issue 59 (August) - 2015

Issue 58 (April) - 2015


Issue 57 (October) - 2014

Issue 56 (August) - 2014

Issue 55 (March) - 2014


Issue 54 (October) - 2013

Issue 53 (July) - 2013

Issue 52 (March) - 2013


Issue 51 (October) - 2012

Issue 50 (July) - 2012

Issue 49 (March) - 2012


Issue 48 (November) - 2011

Issue 47 (August) - 2011

Issue 46 (April) - 2011


Issue 45 (November) - 2010

Issue 44 (June) - 2010

Issue 43 (March) - 2010


Issue 42 (October) - 2009

Issue 41 (June) - 2009

Issue 40 (March) - 2009


Issue 39 (November) - 2008

Issue 38 (June) - 2008

Issue 37 (February) - 2008


Issue 36 (October) - 2007

Issue 35 (June) - 2007

Issue 34 (March) - 2007


Issue 33 (November) - 2006

Issue 32 (June) - 2006

Issue 31 (March) - 2006


Issue 30 (October) - 2005

Issue 29 (June) - 2005

Issue 28 (March) - 2005


Issue 27 (November) - 2004

Issue 26 (July) - 2004

Issue 25 (March) - 2004


Issue 24 (November) - 2003

Issue 23 (June) - 2003

Issue 22 (April) - 2003


Issue 21 (November) - 2002

Issue 20 (July) - 2002

Issue 19 (March) - 2002


Issue 15 (September) - 2000

Issue 18 (November) - 2001

Issue 17 (July) - 2001

Issue 16 (February) - 2001


Issue 14 (March) - 2000


Issue 13 (September) - 1999

Issue 12 (May) - 1999


Issue 11 (July) - 1998

Issue 10 (February) - 1998


Issue 9 (August) - 1997

Issue 8 (April) - 1997


Issue 7 (August) - 1996

Issue 6 (April) - 1996


Issue 5 (December) - 1995

Issue 4 (June) - 1995


Issue 3 (December) - 1994

Issue 2 (April) - 1994


Issue 1!!! (July) - 1993